About Christopher G. Thomarios, Esq. LLC
Akron Criminal Defense Lawyer
At Christopher G. Thomarios, Esq. LLC, I offer aggressive representation and compassion to those arrested for a criminal offense. Within the legal profession, I have a solid reputation to defend against prosecution. With over a decade of experience, my goal is to help clients obtain the results they want and need for freedom. In every case, the needs of the clients are placed as the first priority.
Whether you are facing a traffic ticketor a white collar crimecharge, my firm can be by your side throughout the entire challenge. As an Akron criminal defense lawyer, I help clients through various criminal cases in pursuit of a reduction or dismissal of their charges.
One-On-One Representation
Prior to the opening of my present law firm, I worked in and around medium to large-sized firms in Cleveland, Akron, and New York City. As I worked with these large firms, I gained valuable experience that I now use to my client's benefit. During this experience, however, I recognized a lack of focused effort on the individualized needs of the client. As a result, I opened my own office to provide a high level of individualized attention to each client. My goal was to provide personal attention to the client to assist them through this daunting civil or criminal proceeding.
Guidance through the Criminal Court Process
Many times, the law is counter-intuitive to those that do not possess legal experience and knowledge. At Christopher G. Thomarios, Esq. LLC, my clients' level of comfort with the legal process and with my representation is one of the most important parts of my legal assistance.
I recognize that my client's livelihood and freedom is on the line, which is why I take cases just as seriously as those facing the arrest. My personalized service cannot be found at larger firms. In every case that I handle, I approach it with a fresh perspective to build the case up from scratch. My firm uses this approach because no two cases are the same and they therefore cannot be handled in the same manner.
Schedule an Appointment for a Free Consultation
If you choose to work with my Akron firm, I will assist you through each step. My firm does not consist of a middleman or an associate to handle your representation. In addition, I offer free case evaluations so that you can gain comfort in my firm and style of practice, and gain an understanding of what is occurring in your case.
My firm often builds legal relationships with many clients and represents them for additional purposes. Each client is offered the representation that he or she deserves from a skilled Akron criminal lawyer. You can have the confidence in my firm and build the necessary trust relationship required for representation.
We're Always In Your Corner
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Why Choose Christopher G. Tomarios?
Highly Recommended by Past Clients
Guidance Through the Criminal Process
One-on-One Attention to Each Client
Licensed in State & Federal Courts
Free In-House Consultation
Backed By 20+ Years of Experience
Real Cases.Real Results.
Sentence Reduction City of Barberton v. A.T.
No Conviction City of Cleveland
Case Dismissed City of Cleveland Heights v. J.G.
Case Dismissed City of Cleveland v. E.B.
Not Convicted of OVI City of Cleveland v. M.B.